What is the BK Radio KNG2-P150 Digital Portable Radio?
*As of October 2021 the KNG Series of portable radios have been discontinued. They are replaced by the BKR5000 Radios.
The KNG2-P150 BK Radio handheld radio has all the features you liked in the BK KNG P series and much more. This new KNG2 Radio has an enhanced speaker, bright colored display and built in Bluetooth capabilities. The Bendix King KNG2 can be cloned to all previous models using the KAA0701 universal cloning cable(except for EPH series Bendix King radios) or to other KNG Portables using the KAA0700. The KNG 2 Portable also offers stealth texting capabilities for anyone on a P25 system.
The BK Radio KNG-2 handheld is the most advanced Bendix King radio to date. This radio is fully compatible with any P25 trunking systems from other companies, such as Tait, Harris, and Motorola. For trunking capabilities KZA0579 feature must be added to the radios.
Why Choose the BK Radio KNG2-P150 Digital Portable Radio?
The KNG2 is made for policemen and firemen on P25 radio systems and has the capability to upgrade to AES/DES/OFB Level 2 encryption.